$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ALL THE RUMOURS, MYTHS, & WEIRD WINE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AND FOOD STORIES YOU CAN HANDLE.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$SS "NO MATTER HOW CYNICAL I GET, I CAN NEVER KEEP UP" (Lily Tomlin)

******************************* WINNER OF THREE MAJOR SPIFFY AWARDS FOR WINE SATIRE !!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Another LCBO Myth shattered

Many people think the LCBO is one of the big liquor monopolies that still
exist (Systembolaget in Sweden is another one). But no. Biggest is actually
Tesco, the UK supermarket retail chain. They sell alcohol products for 4.3
bn Euros (£3bn). That almost twice as much as the LCBO (2.5bn Euros, C$3.7)
and well
over twice as much as Systembolaget in Sweden (2bn Euros, SEK19 bn).
