TRAWNA – (GOSH Wine News Services) – Ontario's Tourism Ministry, now in the throes of the agonizing process of seeking proposals to design, develop and manage the have-not province's presence at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, has settled on the design logo, sources say.
Top wine investigative reporter Brett Grimsby has been on the scene for weeks now, and he files this story based on several interviews with Miffed Mole, the collective name for our sources who are familiar with the situation, and who spoke to him on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to divulge details while they were very close to the centre of discussions and while the matter under consideration had not yet been finalized nor announced to the public…
Apparently, the
Shut out and barred from every existing alcohol beverage sales channel, the plucky "have-not" fruit wineries are ecstatic. The Ministry of Tourism, in its request-for-tender documents, has suggested that the BC facility should feature a striking design, showcase made-in-Ontario products and services, and be state-of-the-art and environmentally sustainable. Being at the LEED Platinum Level for fruit wineries certainly would help, and that's a given since most of them certainly have been certified with the QC seal.
The Ministry is close to an announcement. They are waiting for the updated redesign of the Fruit Wineries of Ontario logo with its QC certification. One original design was apparently discarded because it promoted the Fruitwines of Upper Canada at
Meanwhile, Grimsby has learned that the LCBO and WCO has launched its own "Cellared in China" fruit wine campaign in order to take advantage of the Ministry's call for a logo and design. They believe that the now extra prominence given to fruit wines will bring in a new sense of order to the have-not province, with newly expanding markets. Instead of the Cellared In Canada 70/30 split in imported/domestic grape wine origins, the Cellared in China campaign will be just 100% imported fruit wines from China. The two groups are seizing the marketing opportunities (watch for the new Internet-only media campaign involving YouTube, MySpace, Blogspot, Twitter, Facebook and wine bloggers everywhere) and are poised to take over all the fruit wine thunder in
Since the OVA has nothing to lose in its battle with the "Os" (LCB, GG and WC), it has decided to plead its case to the Provincial Have-Not Cabinet, claiming that since OVA is the ONLY beverage alcohol organization with its name BEGINNING with the word "Ontario", then it is best poised to be the representative in BC. After all, who could be best suited to represent a have-not province than a have-not industry?
More on this story as it develops….stay tuned.
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